Personal background & contact details


Name                   Ten DamActing

First names       Caspar Tristan

Address              Kerkdam 16, 2361 GK Warmond, the Netherlands

Birth date          16 November 1967, Dordrecht, the Netherlands

Nationalitity      Dutch

Telephone         (+31) (0)6 – 2135 3957



See for a succinct CV including hobbies and language skills: cvshortengcdam2020

See for an extensive CV including publication and conference records: CVAcEngCDam2024

Educational background

2011 – present   Partially funded PhD research ‘Ways to Rebel: Testing a theory of Brutalisation on the Chechen and Albanian insurgents 1979-2001’ first at Queen’s University Belfast and eventually at Leiden University. I hope to receive my PhD partially based on my “How to Feud and Rebel” Series in the peer-reviewed journal Iran and the Caucasus (Brill).

1988 – 1997       MAPolitical Science (International Relations) at Leiden University, Netherlands. Prof.dr. Alex P. Schmid 20/10/1997: “high-quality work” (RecommASchmid1997_0001).   MA thesis Fragile peace in Macedonia: Interethnic tensions, attempts at conflict resolution, and prospects of armed conflict (MACEDONctendam1997).

1993                      ERASMUS certificate at Århus University, Denmark. Prof. Mette Skak 4/03/1994: a “scientific contribution” (RecommMSkak1994_0001).  Paper Separatist versus Centrist forces in the USSR, 1988-1991: Baltic and Transcaucasian cases (SovietAllianceFormation1993).

1987 – 1988       International Baccalaureate (IB) degree, A. Thijm College, Hilversum, Netherlands.

1985 – 1987       High School & 1st year IB American High School, São Paulo, Brazil.

1980 – 1985       Secondary and higher scientific education (VWO) at ‘Werkplaats Kinder-gemeenschap’, Bilthoven & ‘Herman Jordan Lyceum’, Zeist, Netherlands.