Many of my editorial and translational, and illustrational and other artistic projects I did, or still do, for Tasso Publishing, Joho Company Leiden, and some other companies and organisations (see further page ‘Curriculum Vitae’).
Apart from designing logos such as for the International Committee for Humanitarian Intervention – see the picture on the left – I have been doing few illustrational projects in recent years. Still, I would like to carry out such projects again. The list below shows in more detail some of the major projects in these fields.
2011 – present Proofreader, editor and translator of manuscripts, for individuals and organisations like Tasso Publishing and Association for the Study of EthnoGeoPolitics.
Translations ( Tasso Publishing):
- Hans ten Dam, Catharsis, Integratie en Transformatie (Catharsis, Integration and Transformation), 2012, Paperback ISBN: 978-90-755-68240 & Hardcover ISBN: 978-90-755-6823-3.
- Hans ten Dam, Een secretaresse in de etalage (A Secretary in the Display Window), [2012], ISBN: 978-90-755-6825.
- Hans ten Dam, De schaduw van de groene berg (The Shadow of the Green Mountain), ISBN: 978-90-75568-21-9.
- Representative Tasso Publishing at book fairs, and for handling book orders by individual customers and book stores (2002 – 2005)
Illustrator (Tasso Publishing):
- Map illustrations in the current and original editions of Hans ten Dam, De schaduw van de groene berg (The Shadow of the Green Mountain), 2012. ISBN 978-90-75568-21-9.
- Cartoon illustrations in Hans ten Dam, De Draagbare politie-adviseur (The Portable police-advisor), 1996. ISBN10-9075568037 / ISBN13-9789075568035 (out of print).