
Through CTDam Consultancy I offer independent research, analysis, editing, translations and public communication advice for academia, businesses, governments, NGOs and individual clients.

I am specialised in violent conflict, radicalisation and terrorism studies, humanitarian intervention and conflict resolution analyses, and migration and human rights issues. Some of my publications can be found at www.ethnogeopolitics.org.

I apply my own action-actor-motive typology of primary, secondary and tertiary concepts in my and other peoples’ research, thus producing lucid definitions of e.g. terrorism, banditry and rebellion and their empirical variants (e.g. ‘rightwing semi-state terrorism’ and so on).

Through these concepts and analytical approaches, including the regular testing of my own Brutalisation theory, I can make a unique contribution as a researcher, lecturer, policymaker, and/or mediator on issues like terrorism, democratisation, human rights, and migration and asylum policies. My most distinctive qualities are no-nonsense lucidity, thoroughness, integrity, persistence, commitment and self-reliance.

My gross payment rate ranges from € 20 to € 200 per hour depending on the complexity and duration of the assignment. No VAT rates are required for the smaller assignments.

Currently I am available for:

  • Summarising and interpreting confidential or public sources and reports
  • Conducting research and writing confidential or public reports for e.g. governmental and non-governmental organisations
  • Providing risk analyses on countries and regions for businesses or other organisations
  • Guest lectures, teaching, keynote speeches at fora and conferences
  • Proofreading, editing a/o translating manuscripts from English to Dutch or vice versa
  • Drawing cartoons and other illustrations esp. related to my expertise and research areas
  • Selling rare a/o relevant books esp. related to my expertise and research areas, at e.g. boekwinkeltjes.nl (‘Proefschriftwinkel’) and (eventually) antiqbook.com