The comic book The Expert: A strange academic world we live in! to celebrate the 7th anniversary of Association for the Study of EthnoGeoPolitics is now available in pdf for just € 10—with a freely downloadable Teaser
Caspar ten Dam, secretary EGP & executive editor Forum of EGP
The Expert: A strange academic world we live in! (64 pages, ISBN-9078907-5568-31-8) to celebrate the 7th anniversary of Association for the Study of EthnoGeoPolitics (EGP), concerns the first book publication by the association’s publishing house, EGxPress Publishers.
This comic book contains a selection of my Expert cartoons from 2015 and 2016—some of which already appeared in our journal Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics—and other cartoons and illustrations of mine as well. It is now available in pdf/E-book for just € 10 (VAT-free price). EGxPress Publishers seek to make available a hardback version in the near future as well, though its purchasing price will be significantly higher than € 10 per printed copy.
Still, the sale prices are and will be reasonable—even for cash-strapped, impoverished, struggling scholars among us. The comic book should help to alleviate the work- and research-related stress of many a well-funded scholar as well, for so far the typically dark and sarcastic humor in it is appreciated and hits home. Any well-funded purchaser of the book could also give it as a present (or a whole bunch of copies as presents) to their poorly funded colleagues—though it should not serve as a poor substitute of well-served praise, publication, prize, degree, position, tenure, pay rise, grant, sabbatical, pension or all of the above to any of them.
One can freely the download here the following Teaser of the comic book which has been published in the Autumn 2018 issue (Vol.6 No.2) of our journal: Click here for the Teaser (For a teaser, just click here).
One can order a full pdf-copy of the comic book here by transferring the required amount of € 10 (VAT-free) to the bank account of CT Dam Consultancy: NL61 TRIO 0197 9931 09 BIC: TRIONL2U T. a. o. Caspar ten Dam, Leiden, with a reference to “comic book Expert”—and inclusion of one’s email-address in the order, so that I will be able to quickly send a copy after the payment is made.
– Caspar ten Dam, secretary EGP & executive editor Forum of EGP
NB: In any private, small-scale use or transference of the comic book of up to 10 copies and/or the individual cartoons and illustrations contained in it, my authorship (“Copyright C. ten Dam”) must stay visible in the reproductions. For any commercial, large-scale use or transference of the comic book beyond 10 copies and/or the individual cartoons and illustrations contained in these copies, my prior permission and that of the EGP Board are required.