
Through CTDam Consultancy I offer independent research, analysis, editing, translations and public communication advice for academia, businesses, governments, NGOs and individual clients. I am specialised in violent conflict, radicalisation and terrorism studies, humanitarian intervention and conflict resolution analyses, and migration and human rights issues. Some of my publications can be found at www.ethnogeopolitics.org. I apply my own action-actor-motive typology of primary, secondary and...
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I received my MA Political Science degree at Leiden University, the Netherlands, in 1997. Thereafter I worked for the Interdisciplinary Research Programme on Root Causes of Human Rights Violations (PIOOM), Leiden University, between 1998 and 2002. I wrote confidential reports, like one on the Kosovo conflict for the UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (ODCCP), Terrorism Prevention Branch (TPB) in Vienna, Austria. Since then, I have been a freelance consultant and independent scholar ...
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Qualities and Abilities

My qualities and abilities in comparison to other conflict analysts and security specialists It would be rather pertinent to say that my qualities are unique. I do believe, however, that my qualities of thoroughness, independence and open-mindedness are quite rare in the current world of overly hazy, hasty and fashionable conflict and security analyses in the media, without offering clear definitions, perspectives and possible solutions to decision-makers and the wider public alike. Above all ...
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